Welcome to our world... by Andromeda

Have you ever been in a room full of people that you don't know and you know you aren't going to get to know them very well because each one is waiting for the other one to say something to break the ice? Well, I don't know anyone that hasn't been in that situation. But chances are, if someone in that room were to speak up and say something to get the ball rolling, then I bet they would all be surprised at how much they have in common. Most people usually have more then one thing in common. It's alot easier to speak up on IRC, or type rather, because you don't have to worry about people giving you odd looks because they didn't get something that you said, and the channels have topics, not that anyone ever actually sticks to the topic.

Most people go into the US Undernet #X-Files channel expecting to talk about the TV show, the X-Files, and even though we occasionally do talk about it, let's face it, you can only talk so much about one subject. If you are new to the channel, and you have the guts to stick around, you will find that we talk about many things other then the X-Files, such as Star Trek. Star Trek seems to be a big subject all over IRC, and while not everyone in the channel is a "Trex-phile" (a combination of Trekkie or Trekker, and X-phile), majority rules and Star Trek conversations often from into ideas of odd fanfics such as, the characters on X-Files merging with the characters on Star Trek. Usually The Next Generation. Another subject that is common on IRC that occasionally pops up on #X-Files is vampires. Seems practical enough for #X-Files. After all, the show that the channel is based on does deal with mythology and the unknown. The internet is crawling with people that claim to be vampires. I like to call them "Netpires". Back to the channel, another popular topic on #X-Files is insanity. Now this usually comes up when there are 10 or less people on the channel, however one odd Sunday morning (My time) when almost all the regulars were on for some reason and the channel had about 30 people in it, it did seem to be the main topic. One of the newer things that we have started doing, is playing a game called Six Degrees to Bacon. The game is easy to play. Someone names an actor or actress, and another person has to link that actor or actress to Kevin Bacon through 6 movies and or TV shows, however we do bend the rules. The game is usually only played when the king of the game, the one person who hasn't failed to link anyone to Bacon, Donchep is on-line.

Donchep is just one of thirtysomething operators that #X-Files has. The channel has even more regulars....I think. The people on the channel are of all ages and come from many different countries around the world, such as Australia, Canada, America, New Zealand, England, Malaysia, Scotland, Finland, Ireland, Holland, Sweden, The Netherlands, and many more. You are probably wondering if anyone from the X-Files TV show comes on the channel. Well to be honest with you, we don't know. Although personally, I wouldn't be surprised if one of the shows writers or cast members has logged on the channel once or twice out of curiosity. Well, I'm going to go see if my Internet Providers DNS directory is working again so I can go on-line. You can imagine how mad I was when I tried to log on and found that their system computer had lost it again.

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